
Timeless Therapy To Younger Look: Skin reborn and Collagen

Dr. Angehrn, Co-founder and president of the Swiss association for medical skin reborn and collagen and member of honour of the association of the healthy collagen metabolism-Ligeko, integrated together with the Swiss Health and Life extension Institute and the Day Spa, an approved and unique session concept in the field of medical skin reborn in the hospital....
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What Is Collagen?

Many people speak about collagen when it comes to health and beauty, esp. skincare products, but what is it and how does it actually affect your skin and health? So what is collagen? In short, it’s the main component of connective tissue, found in the skin, bone, cartilage, tendons, corneas, muscle tissue, gut, blood vessels,...
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Skin Reborn Techniques That Work

How do you stay looking young forever, what skin reborn techniques actually work? That is the question. We have some of the answers. No one stays young forever, but some people most certainly look a lot younger than the rest. How do they do it? What are skin reborn techniques that work? The body is...
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Warning: 85% of UAE Residents Don’t Get Enough Vitamin D

It’s estimated that over 80% of UAE residents suffer vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is needed for bone health and to prevent cancer, asthma, cognitive impairment and death from cardiovascular disease. It’s hard to imagine that people in the UAE suffer a vitamin D deficiency, as it’s one of the sunniest places in the world...
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Why Should You Have Red Light Therapy?

There are a million and one therapies available to rejuvenate your skin, so why choose red light therapy? In short, because when administered correctly it works. It’s based on science and it doesn’t harm your skin, unlike certain chemical substances developed to rejuvenate the skin. These substances work by damaging the skin in order to...
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Ultra Beauty at the SSS Fitness

This weekend (November 4th-5th) is going to be action packed, so lace up those shoes and throw on that athletic gear. The Second Annual Sun & Sports Fitness Fest hosted by Sky Dive Dubai is just around the corner, and Ultra Beauty has a lot to offer you! . We are excited to host our...
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Benefits of Indoor Tanning

If you have ever seen someone who had stayed in a tanning booth for too long, you may be impossible to sway on your aversion to indoor tanning. In all fairness, people bake under the sun for too long all the time also the effects are exactly the same. What most people don’t know though...
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Top cancer doctor says you SHOULD have a sunbed session

The message from doctors has long been unequivocal – there is no such thing as a safe suntan because sun exposure causes skin cancer. However, despite being a cancer expert myself, I have just spent the past four weeks on holiday in South Africa, where I made sure I got out into the sun every...
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